Documenting historical, famous or modern buildings has always been a popular subject for ambitious photographers . The landscape mode of the Dynax 5D is perfectly suitable for this job. A small aperture with low ISO setting delivers great depth of field combined with high image quality.

The AF 20mm f/2.8 provides a great depth of field and an emphasized perspective.

Lenses with short to medium focal lengths, especially fixed focal lenses, are a must-have item for any architectural photographer. In addition using a telephoto lens lets you capture small details or take pictures of buildings in full from further distance.

TIP: To avoid converging verticals (parallel lines seeming to converge at a vanishing point) the camera should only be tilted upwards to a small extent when photographing tall buildings.

Reflections on a window can be used as a creative element, or can be minimised by employing a polarizing filter if desired.

TIP: Photographing in the "blue hour" at dawn,

when the street lights are lit can induce very interesting and unusual lighting

effects upon the architectural scenery or subject. Thanks to the Anti-Shake function it is often possible to take images in the "blue hour" without a tripod.

Picture taken at the “blue hour”

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