O f fering a controller to ma ximize a potential beyond commonplace.
IC - 6 01 N E W
With our own product development, we offer high compatibility with the C70hc.
Achieving high quality printing unavailable anywhere else
Standard with an exclusive printer profile for the C70hc to maximize its colour reproduction capability.
Standard with an exclusive printer profile for the C70hc to maximize its colour r e produ c tion c a p a bilit y.T h e IC - 6 0 1 c om e s e quipp e d wit h a prin t er profile specifically for the C70hc as standard, and performing optimized image mapping is pos sible for the input dat a colouring. It manipulate s the printer ’s colour reproduction to its full extent. For example, if you select the RGB vivid mode, it focuses on high chroma, and if you select the CMYK natural mode, it switches to a high quality mode that is in line with offset printing.
The colour management utility offers
a myriad of functions to manipulate the colouring.
Konica Minolta’s unique utility [ColorCentro] improves the colour reproduction a c c u r a c y e v e n f u r t h e r, a n d f e a t u r e s s m o o t h o p e r a b ili t y f o r f i n e c o l o u r management. A wealth of functions are available such as profile creation wizard, colour configuration management, etc.
| R |
C |
| sRGB Gamut |
C70hc Gamut |
| M |
L* |
a* | Natural |
Vivid | |
b* | B |
Optimizes mapping for use with the C70hc engine colour gamut.
Adjusts the mapping pattern in a different mode for colours outside the gamut.
By being linked to the unit’s operation panel, enjoy job management with more efficiency.
Job management and editing can be performed on the unit’s operation panel. It offers you improved work efficiency and high operability.
Job list screen | Job ticket editing |
| (Colour balance) screen |
I n t e l l i g e n t