3. Control Panel Keys and Indicators
Scanner Chapter 2
Locate the misfeed using the code and perform the misfeed clearin g procedure.
A malfunction has occurred in the system.
After turning the power to the system OFF and unplugging i ts power cord from the
electrical outlet, contact the authorized dealer, being sure to provide him or her with the
currently displayed code (Above code).
Code Description
The wrong size paper has been loaded in the Paper Fe eding
Tray. Load the set size paper in the set direction. This code
also appears when two or more sheets of paper are taken up at
the same time.
A misfeed near the paper take-up section.
A misfeed near the Imaging Cartridge.
A misfeed near the Fusing Unit.
An aperture card misfeed has occurred in ACF-7.
Remove the card that has been misfed in ACF-7.
Location Code Description
Optical path switching failure
A Scanning malfunction
A Fan Motor malfunction
A Fusing Unit malfunction
An Laser malfunction
A Polygon Motor malfunction
A Main Drive Motor malfunction
A Fan Motor malfunction
A Communication malfunction (Printer)
A Printer Clock malfunction
A Communication malfunction (PC)
A Communication malfunction (ACF-7)
Misfeed Clearing ProcedureCall-Tech.Rep.Procedure