3. Basic operation (Quick Start)
3. Basic operation (Quick Start)
• Using the part keys to edit the rhythm (Realtime Recording)
If you wish to hear the metronome while you record, refer to p.38 "Metro-
nome settings."
1. Press the Pattern Mode key (the key will light). Use the cursor [▲][▼]
keys to make the parameter select LED indicate PATTERN.
2. Rotate the dial to select the pattern that you wish to edit.
3. Press the Rec key to enter record-ready mode (the Rec key will light,
and the Play/Pause key will blink).
4. Press the Play/Pause key to start the pattern (the Play/Pause key will
5. Strike the part keys at the desired rhythm. The pattern
will continue playing back repeatedly, so you can con-
tinue recording additional material as long as the Rec
key remains lit.
6. Press the Stop/Cancel key to stop recording. (The Rec
key and Play/Pause key will go dark.) You can also press the Rec key without press-
ing the Stop/Cancel key, to stop recording but continue playback. (The Rec key will
go dark, and the Play/Pause key will be lit.)
If you wish to save the pattern that you created, press the WRITE key. (Refer to "Saving
a pattern that you create," below.)
The time that an audio part is heard (i.e., the gate time) is determined not by how long
you continue pressing the key, but by the Decay value (p.19 "Connecting various
sources to the audio inputs").
If you accidentally input a wrong note, you can hold
down the SHIFT key and Rec key while the pattern con-
tinues playing to erase the rhythm pattern for the cur-
rently selected part (i.e., the part whose part key is lit).
Saving a pattern that you createWith the factory settings, memory protect will be on, and it will not be possible to save
data. Before you save data, you must turn off the Memory Protect settings in Global
mode. (Refer to p.39 "Protect settings.")
Please be aware that when you save data, the pattern in the save destination will be
1. Edit a pattern as described in "Modifying the sound" or "Modifying (edit-
ing) a rhythm pattern."
2. Press the WRITE key once (the key will blink). The display will blink to
indicate the pattern number.
3. Rotate the dial to select the pattern number in which the data will be saved
(i.e., the "save destination").
4. Press the WRITE key once again to begin saving the data. While the data is being
saved, the key will blink. When saving is complete, the key will go dark.
If you decide to cancel, press the Stop/Cancel key. If you do not wish to save the pattern
you created, simply select a different pattern without performing the Write operation.
Never turn off the power while data is being saved to memory (i.e., while the WRITE
key is lit). Doing so may damage the data. It is not possible to Write data during play-
back or recording.