4.Pattern mode
4.Pattern mode
LEVEL 0...100
Adjust the output level. Rotating the knob toward the right
will increase the volume. For the Accent part, this will ad-
just the Accent Level (the degree to which the volume will
be emphasized when Accent is on). (Refer to p.27 "Adding
accents to a rhythm pattern.")
LOW BOOST 0...100
This emphasizes the low-frequency range of each part. If
you notice distortion (clipping) in the sound, adjust this
parameter. Setting this parameter to the maximum (far right)
allows it to function as a distortion effect.
Depending on the settings of Level and other param-
eters, raising the Low Boost may damage your speak-
ers or headphones etc., so please use appropriate
DELAYDelay is an effect that adds one or more delayed "echoes" to the
sound. The delay effect of the ER-1mk
is a "cross-feedback de-
lay." This feeds the delayed L and R signal back into the oppo-
site side to produce a greater feeling of spaciousness from left
to right.
By using the TYPE key to switch the type of delay, you can
record delay knob movements as a Motion Sequence, or use the
effect as a Tempo Delay.
The delay effect will apply to the entire rhythm pattern,
and it is not possible to change the effect independently
for each part.
Each time you press the key, the effect will alternate be-
tween Normal (LED dark), MOTION SEQ, and TEMPO
DELAY. When Normal is selected, the effect will function
as a conventional delay.
MOTION SEQ (motion sequence)
The motion sequence will control the delay (refer to p.28
"Motion Sequence").
The delay time will automatically be adjusted (synchro-
nized) to the tempo of the pattern. If the MIDI Clock setting
is "Ext," the delay time can also be synchronized to the clock
of an external device. (Refer to p.38 "Synchronizing the ER-
to a master external MIDI device.")
DEPTH 0...100
Adjust the level of the delay sound and the amount of feed-
back (the number of delay repeats).
Rotating the knob toward the right will increase the level of
the delay sound, and will also increase the amount of feed-
The further left or right the Pan of each part is set, the more
the sound will be spread to left and right.
Raising the Depth excessively may cause the sound
to distort (clip).
TIME (delay time) 5 msec ... 2 sec
(for tempo delay) 1/4...8
Specify the delay time. Rotating the knob toward the right
will lengthen the delay time. Rotating the knob toward the
left to shorten the delay time will produce a "doubling" ef-
fect (an impression as though multiple instruments are play-
ing in unison).
If the Type parameter is set to Tempo Delay, this parameter
will let you set the tempo in terms of sixteen different mul-
tiples of the tempo: 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 1, 1.33, 1.5, 2,
2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8.
If you change the delay time during playback, the pitch
of the delayed sound will change.
Depending on the tempo setting, it may be impossible
to set the delay time. In such cases, set the delay time
to half the desired value.
ModulationCROSS MOD (Cross Modulation)
This produces sound with a complex overtone structure by us-
ing the audio signal produced by percussion synth part 2 to
rapidly modulate the frequency (pitch) of the percussion synth
part 1 oscillator.
If you want to edit the cross modulation sound, start by using
the sequencer to create a rhythm pattern for percussion synth
part 1 and percussion synth part 2. Then press the Play key to
play back the pattern while you edit the sound.
If Cross Modulation is on, PERCUSSION SYNTHESIZER
2 will not sound by itself.
You can use Cross Modulation only in the combination of
PERCUSSION SYNTHESIZER 1 and 2. The timbre and
volume may vary depending on the timing at which PER-
CUSSION SYNTHESIZER 1 and 2 are sounded.
RING MOD (ring modulation)
This type of modulation generates frequencies that are the sum
and difference of the frequencies of two audio signals; it can
produce sounds with rich, metallic-sounding overtones. Per-
cussion Synth part 4 will apply ring modulation to Audio In
parts 1 and 2.
You can use Ring Modulation only in the combination of
The timbre and volume may vary depending on the timing
1 and 2 are sounded.