
Introduction ................................. 4

Features .............................................4
Connection example .........................4
Parts of the MR-2000S ......................5

Front panel .................................................5
Rear panel ..................................................7

Screens and operations ...................8

Home screen and
menu list (MENU) screen .................8

Selecting parameters
and setting values ....................8

Basic operation ........................... 9

1. Power and usage ..........................9
2. Connecting
your monitor equipment ..........9
3. Turning the power on/off ..............9

Turning the power on ..................................9
Turning the power off ..................................9

4. Playing back the demo project ..10

Playing back .............................................10
Pausing .....................................................10
Stopping playback ....................................10
Searching for a desired
location during playback .................10

5. The home screen ........................11
6. Recording ....................................12

Selecting the input source ........................13
Selecting the recording format ..................13
Adjusting the input level ............................14
Starting and stopping recording ................15
Record operation lock (REC Lock) ...........15

7. Other
playback/editing operations ..16

Selecting the project/file to play ................16
Selecting a project/file to edit ....................17

8. Other general operations ...........17

Changing the counter mode
in the home screen .........................17
Changing the meter peak hold ..................17
Setting the date and time ..........................18
Editing the project/file name .....................19
Protecting a project ...................................20
Deleting a project/file ................................20
Viewing details about the project/file ........21

9. Using marks within a project .... 21

Adding a mark .......................................... 21
Viewing the mark list ................................ 22
Using marks to move ............................... 22
Editing marks ........................................... 22

Other functions ..........................25

Play mode ....................................... 25
Play list (PLAY LIST) ...................... 25

Creating a play list ................................... 25
Viewing a play list .................................... 26
Editing a play list ...................................... 26

Record mode .................................. 28

Project recording format
(New Project Type) ........................ 28
Settings when WAV (BWF) is selected .... 28
Settings when
DFF, DSF, or WSD are selected ... 28
Recording time for
each format (per 1 Gbyte) .............. 28

System setting (SYSTEM) .............. 29

LCD Contrast ........................................... 29
clock setting (Clock Source) .......... 29
Analog reference
level setting (Reference Level) ...... 29
Mark mode setting (Mark Mode) .............. 30
Device information (Device Info) .............. 30
DSD output fillter settings (DSD Filter) .... 30
Project name setting (Project Name) ....... 31
Resetting the
system setting (Factory Reset) ...... 31
Formatting the hard disk (HDD Format) ... 31
Updating the software (SoftwareUpdate) . 32

Using the MR-2000S
with your computer ............... 33

USB mode ................................................ 33
Hard disk structure and files .................... 33
Using the AudioGate software ................. 35

Appendix ....................................36

Troubleshooting ............................. 36

USB .......................................................... 36

Various messages .......................... 37
Specifications ................................. 38

Main sections ........................................... 38
Main specifications ................................... 38
Included items: ......................................... 39
Demo Project ........................................... 39

Index ...........................................40