Pitch settings P2: Edit-Pitch
Here you can specify how the pitch of the multisample
assigned to each oscillator will change. Pitch EG and LFO
settings allow the pitch to varied over time. The OSC1
P.Mod page is valid when “Oscillator Mode” is set to Sin-
gle or Drums.
OSC1 Pitch Mod. page
The “JS (+X)” and “JS(–X)” settings specify the amount of
pitch change (in semitones) that will occur when MIDI
pitch bend messages are received or when the joystick is
moved to left or right. A setting of +12 allows the pitch to
be controlled a maximum of one octave upward; a setting
of –12 allows the pitch to be controlled a maximum of one
octave downward.
Ribbon” specifies the amount of pitch change (in semi-
tones) that will occur when MIDI control change (CC) #16
messages are received or when the ribbon controller of a
TRITON Extreme or other MIDI-connected instrument is
moved to left or right. With a setting of +12, the pitch will
be raised one octave at the far right of the ribbon control-
ler, and will be lowered by one octave at the far left of the
ribbon controller.
Pitch EG
When the “Intensity” value is set to +12.00, the pitch EG
specified in the Pitch EG page will produce a maximum of
±1 octave of pitch change.
If “Enable” is checked, portamento will be applied.
Portamento makes the pitch change smoothly when you
play the next note before releasing the previous note.
The “Time” parameter specifies the portamento time. As
this value is increased, the pitch will change over a longer
time. With a value of 000, there will be no portamento.
If Porta.SW CC#65 is assigned as the function of
[SW1] or [SW2] key, the portamento effect can be
switched on/off by [SW1] or [SW2] key.
LFO 1/2
An LFO can be used to cyclically modulate the pitch (a
“vibrato” effect).
LFO 1/2 Intensity” sets the depth to which the LFO spec-
ified in P5: Edit-Common LFO will affect the pitch. With a
setting of +12.00, vibrato will produce a maximum of ±1
octave of pitch change.
“JS+Y Int” specifies the amount of vibrato that the LFO
will produce when the joystick is pushed away from your-
Intensity (AMS Intensity)” specifies the depth of vibrato
that will be applied by the LFO when an AMS (Alternate
Modulation Source) is used. For example if “AMS (LFO1
AMS)” is set to After Touch and you set an appropriate
value for “Intensity (AMS Intensity),” vibrato will be
applied when you apply pressure to the keyboard or
when MIDI aftertouch messages are received.
Pitch EG page
Here you can adjust the settings for the pitch EG.
When you wish to create sound effects etc., set the pitch
EG to make major changes in pitch over time.
To realistically simulate the slight change in pitch that
occurs when a string is plucked or at the attack of a brass
or vocal sound, you can use the EG to create a subtle
change in pitch at the attack (PG p.16).
EG and LFO
By using an EG (envelope generator) to apply time-vary-
ing change or by using an LFO (Low Frequency Oscilla-
tor) to apply cyclic change to pitch, filter, or amp, you can
create changes in the pitch, tone, or volume.
EG (Envelope Generator)
TRITON Extreme provides a Pitch EG, Filter EG, and
Amplifier EG, which produce time-varying changes in
pitch, tone, and volume respectively.
LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator)
For each oscillator, TRITON Extreme provides two LFO’s
that can be used to apply cyclical change in pitch, tone,
and volume.
Examples of this are vibrato (cyclical change in pitch),
wah (cyclical change in tone), and tremolo or auto-pan
(cyclical change in volume).
Attack Time
Decay Time Slope Time Release Time
Attack Level
Start Level
Sustain Level
Break Level
note-on note-off
Release Level