Oscillator settings P1: Edit-Basic
Basic settings for the oscillator are made in the P1: Edit-
Basic page. The TRITON Extreme provides two oscilla-
tors, and for each oscillator you can select a basic wave-
form (“multisample”) and set the pitch.
The multisamples provided by the TRITON Extreme
include waveforms for musical instruments such as
pianos, as well as special waveforms unique to synthesiz-
ers. Multisamples reproduce the complex overtone struc-
ture and frequency characteristics that allow us to identify
a sound as being “piano-like” or “guitar-like” etc..
Program Basic page
Oscillator Mode
This sets the mode of the oscillator. Single uses one oscil-
lator and Double uses two oscillators. In the case of Sin-
gle the maximum polyphony is 60 notes, and in the case
of Double the maximum polyphony is 30 notes. If you
wish to use a Drum Kit to create a drums program, select
Drums. In the case of Drums, the polyphony is normally
60 notes.
Depending on the multisamples that are selected for
each oscillator, the maximum polyphony can be up to
120 notes for Single, up to 60 notes for Double, and
up to 120 notes for Drums. (p.12)
Voice Assign Mode
Select whether the program will sound in Poly (polyphon-
ically) or Mono (monophonically). If this is set to Poly,
you will be able to play chords using the program. If this
is set to Mono, only one note will sound even if you play a
chord. Normally you will set this to Poly, but it is effective
to use Mono when you are playing sounds such as a solo
instrument, an analog-synth bass or a synth lead. Try
switching between Poly and Mono, and listen to the
OSC Basic page
In this page you can select the multisample for each oscil-
lator. The TRITON Extreme contains 962 different multi-
samples. (VNL)
Data sampled on the TRITON Extreme can also be used as
a multisample.
Selecting a multisample
The multisample will determine the basic character of the
Use “High MS Bank” to select the multisample bank,
and use “High Multisample” to select the multisam-
You can select preset multisamples if “High MS Bank
is set to other than RAM.
If “High MS Bank” is RAM, you can select multisam-
ples that were sampled on the TRITON Extreme or
loaded in from media. Select from 000–999 for “High
Multisample bank
If “High MS Bank” is set to ROM, pressing the “High
Multisample” popup button will display all internal
ROM multisamples, organized into 15 categories. Use
the tabs located at the left and right to select the
desired category, and select a multisample from
within that category.
High Multisample and Low Multisample
If you specify a High and Low multisample for an oscilla-
tor, either the High or the Low multisample will sound
depending on the velocity of the note (i.e., the strength at
which you play the keyboard). This function is called
velocity multisample switching.
1Specify different multisamples for “High Multisam-
ple” and “Low Multisample.”
2Specify a velocity value for “Velocity M.Sample SW
Notes played on the keyboard at a velocity less than
the value you specify will sound the Low multisample;
velocities at or above this velocity value will sound the
High multisample.
For example if you set “Velocity M.Sample SW
LoHi” to 100, playing the keyboard softly will sound
the “Low multisample,” and playing strongly will
sound the “High multisample.”
MS Bank Mbyte No. Explanation
ROM32000–424 TRITON Classic preset multisam-
RAM 96 000–999 RAM multisamples (created in
Sampling mode or loaded in Media
Piano 16 000–003 Preset multisamples for stereo
New1 16 000–007 Preset multisamples for stereo
piano and choir
New2 16 000–048 Preset multisamples for organ,
solo brass, electric guitar, acous-
tic guitar, electric bass, acoustic
bass, etc.
Best 16 000–046 Preset multisamples for electric
piano, clavi, brass, woodwinds,
choir, drums, etc.
OrchS 16 000–112 Preset multisamples for orchestral
OrchB 16 000–079 Preset multisamples for orchestral
brass, woodwinds, percussion,
and harp etc.
Vint 16 000–157 Preset multisamples for vintage
analog synths
Synth 16 000–077 Preset multisamples for house and
trance music