You can specify the way in which the [SW1] and [SW2]
keys will operate: either Toggle, when the assigned func-
tion will be switched between on and off each time the
key is pressed, or Momentary, when the assigned function
will be active on only as long as you hold down the
In Program mode, the function of the [SW1] and
[SW2] keys can be checked in the P0: Play, Perfor-
mance Edit page.
When you write a program or combination, the on/
off status of the [SW1] and [SW2] keys is saved.
For details on making these settings, refer to “Setting
the function of [SW1] and [SW2]” (p.129).
Using the Lock function (examples)
1Select program bank J001: Acoustic Piano, and play
the keyboard.
To select a program, make sure that you are in Program
mode, and press the BANK [J] key, numeric key [1],
and then the [ENTER] key.
2Move the joystick toward yourself (the –Y direction).
The modulation will deepen, and at the same time, res-
onance will be applied to give a unique character to the
3While holding the joystick toward yourself, press the
[SW2] switch (The [SW2] key will light).
The modulation effect at this point will be maintained.
(Lock function)
4Release the joystick, and play the keyboard.
The modulation will stay the same as it was when the
[SW2] key was pressed. Moving the joystick toward
yourself will not affect the sound.
5Press the [SW2] key once again to release the Lock
Ribbon controller
Make sure that the J001: Acoustic Piano program is
1Press the [SW2] key. (The [SW2] key will light.)
2Touch the ribbon controller, and move your finger to
left and right.
Movement in the +X direction will brighten the tone,
and movement in the –X direction will darken the tone.
3Take your finger away from the ribbon controller.
The sound will remain as it was before you removed
your finger. (Lock function)
4Press the [SW2] key once again to release the Lock
In the LCD screen, SW2 indicates JS–Y & Ribbon
Lock. This means that the [SW2] key is assigned to
control the Lock function for the joystick –Y direction
and the ribbon controller (PG p.279). The key will
operate in Toggle mode.
If you move the joystick in the –Y direction, press the
[SW2] key to turn on the Lock function, then operate
the ribbon controller, and finally release both control-
lers, the sound you modified by the two controllers
will be maintained.
In many programs and combinations, the [SW2] key
is assigned to control the Lock function for the joy-
stick –Y direction and the ribbon controller.
The Lock function can also be applied to aftertouch. If
the [SW1] or [SW2] switch is assigned to After Touch
Lock, the effect produced by pressing down on the
keyboard can be held by turning on the [SW1] or
[SW2] switch.
For details on the [SW1] and [SW2] switch functions,
refer to PG p.279.
REALTIME CONTROLS [1], [2], [3], [4]
These knobs can be used to control the filter cutoff fre-
quency and resonance, the amp and filter EG, volume,
portamento time, pan, pitch LFO, or the send levels to the
master effects, etc. You can also use these knobs to control
the Valve Force parameters.
1Press the [REALTIME CONTROLS] key to switch the
function of the realtime controllers.
Each time you press the key, A-mode, B-mode or V alve
Force will be alternately selected, and the correspond-
ing LED will light.
2Rotate the desired knob to control the sound, etc.
For details about what is controlled, refer to QS p.6.
[VALUE] slider
When a program number is selected in Program P0: Play
page, or when a combination number is selected in Com-
bination mode page P0: Play page, you can use the
[VALUE] slider as a source for alternate modulation or
effect dynamic modulation, and control program parame-
ters or effect parameters.
The force with which you initially strike a note can apply
an effect.
Normally this is used to control volume, or the speed or
sensitivity of the EG.
After Touch
This effect can be applied by varying the pressure on a key
that is already being held down.
Normally this is used to control volume, tone (cutoff fre-
quency), or LFO sensitivity etc.
SW 1 SW 2