Note Number
Varying amounts of an effect will be applied depending
on the position of the key on the keyboard.
Normally this is used to control volume, tone (cutoff fre-
quency), LFO sensitivity, and EG sensitivity etc.
This can be used as a source for alternate modulation
or effect dynamic modulation, to control program
parameters or effect parameters.
Foot pedals/Switch
Damper Pedal
An optional switch-type damper pedal such as the Korg
DS-1H can be connected to TRITON Extreme. If a DS-1H
is connected, it will function as a half-damper pedal. The
half-damper function cannot be controlled by other ped-
Assignable Foot Switch
If an optional foot switch such as the Korg PS-1 is con-
nected to the rear panel ASSIGNABLE SWITCH jack, an
assigned function can be switched on/off using the foot
The function of the foot switch is assigned in Global P2:
Controller “Foot Switch Assign” (p.90).
Assignable Foot Pedal
An optional expression pedal such as the Korg EXP-2 foot
controller or Korg XVP-10 EXP/VOL pedal can be con-
nected to the rear panel ASSIGNABLE PEDAL jack, and
used to apply an effect.
The function of the foot pedal is assigned in Global P2:
Controller “Foot Pedal Assign” (p.90).
Easy program editing
Performance Edit (the Performance Edit tab)
You can use the eight Performance Editor sliders to make
overall adjustments to the major parameters of Program
For details on what is controlled, refer to QS p.6 or PG
REALTIME CONTROLS [1], [2], [3], [4]
For details on what is controlled, refer to QS p.6.
Easy arpeggiator editing
Arpeggio tab
Here you can select the arpeggio pattern, and make real-
time adjustments to the arpeggio parameters while you
knob, [VELOCITY] knob
Use the ARPEGGIATOR [ON/OFF] key to turn the arpeg-
giator on/off.
knobs control the tempo, duration, and strength of the
arpeggiated notes.
Program editing
You can edit the preloaded programs (banks A–D, H–N)
that the TRITON Extreme is shipped with, or you can start
with an initialized program (banks E, N) to create an orig-
inal program.
The P0: Play page lets you perform basic editing, but more
detailed editing can be done in the P1: Edit-Basic–P9: Edit-
Master Effect pages.
If you wish to save an edited program into internal
memory, be sure to Write the program. (p.114)
You can write programs to the 1,536 program mem-
ory areas (internal memory) of banks A–E and H–N.
You can also save and manage programs on various
types of media. (p.117)
The P1: Edit-Basic–P5: Edit Common LFO parameters
are shared by oscillators 1 and 2, and can be copied
using the page menu command “Copy Oscillator.”
This command is useful when you want to set both
oscillators to the same settings, or when you want to
copy settings from a different program.
The three elements of sound
Sound can be broken down into three elements: pitch,
tone, and volume.
On TRITON Extreme, these elements correspond to the
Pitch, Filter, and Amplifier settings of a program. In other
words you would adjust the Pitch settings to modify the
pitch, the Filter settings to modify the tone, and the
Amplifier settings to modify the volume.
In Oscillator (Oscillator: P1: Edit-Basic settings) you
select the waveform multisample that determines the
basic sound, and specify its pitch. This sound is then mod-
ified by the pitch settings (Pitch: P2: Edit-Pitch), filter set-
tings (Filter: P3: Edit-Filter), and amp settings (Amplifier:
P4: Edit-Amp) to create the basic sound of the program.
This basic sound can then be modified further by using
the insert effects (P8: Edit-Insert Effect settings), master
effects, master EQ, and Valve Force (P9: Edit-Master
Effect settings) to apply finishing touches.
When arpeggiator settings (P7: Edit-Arpeggiator.) and
controller settings (P1: Edit: Basic, Control Setup) are
added to this, the final result is called a “program.”
The Compare function
When P1–P9 are selected, pressing the [COMPARE] key
(the key will light) will recall the sound as it was written
before you edited it.
Pressing [COMPARE] again (the light goes dark) returns
you to the version you are editing.
If you edit while the [COMPARE] key is lit, the key will
again go dark and your previous unsaved edits will be
SequencerSamplingSong PlayGlobalEffectMedia, etcPresetOther