Specify the program name, category, and save destination, and click the [OK] button.
Note: If you select an existing program as the save-destination, it will be overwritten. If you want
to add the program as a new program, select the user program “INIT.” With the factory settings,
D127 are user programs.
Note: If you use a menu command (such as Copy IFX) on the PS60 itself, the data in the Editor
and the data in the PS60 may lose synchronization. In this case, use a UTILITY menu command
(such as Receive Current Prog) in the Editor to receive a data dump of the current data.
To save a performance, choose the utility menu command [Store Performance].
To save global settings, choose the utility menu command [Write Global Setting]. You can also
save by clicking the [DUMP] button located in the upper right of each page. Be aware that if you
fail to perform these operations, edits you make to the global parameters will not be reflected on
the PS60 itself. (Some pages do not have the [DUMP] button.)