Connec ting the 90 7 Power Am pli fier

5 Connecting the 907 Power Amplifier

To connect the 907, as the example in Figure 4 illustrates, do the following1
1. Connect the balanced stereo audio sou rce (f or exam ple, a stereo audio
player) to th e INPUT terminal block connector.
2. Connect the OUTPUT terminal block connectors to the acceptors (a pair of
speakers). Do not ground the loudspeakers.
3. Connect the 24V DC power adapter to the power socket an d connect the
ada pter t o the m ain s el ect rici ty .
4. If necessary adjust the basic volume level by setting the GAIN DIP-
swit ches (s ee Table 2).
5. Adjust the output volume by turning the VOLUME potentiometer.
Table 2: DIP-switch Gain Levels
Setting 00 01 10 11
Gain 20dB 26dB 32dB 36dB
5.1 Connecting th e Stereo Audio Input
Figure 2 and Figure 3 illustrate how to wire a balanced/unbalanced input
Figure 2: Connecting the
Balanced Stereo Audio
Figure 3: Connecting the
Unbalanced Stereo Audio
1 Switch OFF the power on each device before connecting it to your 907. After connecting your 907, switch on its power and
then switch on the power on each device