Due to infrastructure limitations, there may be times when your phone cannot determine if an
incoming CDMA call contains voice or data information. Check with your service provider to see
if they support both voice and data signals. If the network does not know how to distinguish
between voice and data calls, and you are expecting a data call, you can set the phone to data
mode as discussed below. Incoming voice calls are not possible when you are in this mode.
1. From standby mode, select “Features.”
2. Scroll and select “Network.”
3. Scroll and select “Data/Fax In.” The default setting is OFF.
4. Scroll in either direction and select from the list of data/fax choi ces. To make a setting
for just the next call or the next 10 minutes, select either:
•fax call
•data call
To make a setting that will persist until it is changed or until the phone is turned off
and on again, select either:
•fax only
•data only
Again, please remember that no voice calls can be received if “Data /Fax In” is set to anything
other than OFF.
During a data or fax call, the screen on your phone will show:
•A time counter for the call
•The data call type
•The data rate
•Whether the phone is transmitting or receiving