Messages (cont.)
70 Messages
4-2. Setting the Reply Path to the Service Centre
("Reply path")
The "Reply path" function turns on or off the Reply path setting request to
the Service Centre.
Use / to select "Reply path", then press .
The setting for automatic switching is displayed. The current setting is
indicated by ●.
ON Requests the Service Centre to set a Reply path.
OFF Does not request the Service Centre to set a Reply path.
Use / to select the desired option, then press .
The screen returns to the Settings Menu.
4-3. Setting the Term of Validity of Untransmitted Text Mails
("Valid period")The "Valid period" function lets you set the term of validity of any Text
mails waiting at the Service Centre which have not been transmitted.
Use / to select "Valid period", then press .
The setting for automatic switching is displayed. The current setting is
indicated by ●.
One hour
Two hours
One day
Two days
One week (Default)
Four weeks
Six months
Use / to select the desired option, then press .
The screen returns to the Settings Menu.
4-4. Setting the Text Mail Receiver Protocol
("MSG type")The "Msg type" function lets you set the protocol used by the
communications terminal at the Text mail destination.
Use / to select "Msg type", then press .
The supported protocols are listed. The current setting is indicated by ●.
Text (Default) A GSM Mobile Station
Telex Telex or teletext reduced to telex format
G3 telefax Group3 telefax
G4 telefax Group4 telefax
Voice (i.e., conversion to speech)
ERMES European Radio Messaging System
Paging National Paging System
X.400 Any public X.400-based message handling system
E-Mail Internet Electronic Mail
Use / to select the desired option, then press .
The screen returns to the Settings Menu.