42 Using Tools
From the World Clock menu, you can also select
Search to search by city or country.
1. Select Search from the World Clock menu.
The Search By menu is displayed.
2. Select your type of search.
Press search by City.
Press down, then press to search
by Country.
3. If you search by City, the Find City screen
is displayed.
a. Use your number keys (2-9) to enter the
letter(s) by which you want to search. For
example, press 2 once to enter the letter A.
b. Press Search.
c. Cities beginning with A are displayed, like
Anchorage, Athens, and Atlanta.
d. Use to move through the list, then press
to select a city.
4. If you search by Country, the Find Country
screen is displayed.
a. Use your number keys (2-9) to enter the
letter(s) by which you want to search. For
example, press 2 once to enter the letter A.
b. Press Search.
c. Countries beginning with A are displayed,
like Afghanistan, Algeria, and Australia.
d. Use to move through the list, then press
to select a country.
This timer counts down for a specified amount of
time. It beeps when that amount of time has elapsed.
1. Select Menu Tools Timer.
2. Press to Set.
3. Press up or down to set the hours, minutes,
and seconds. To move the cursor, press left
4. Select Start to begin the countdown.
Select Stop to pause the countdown.
5. When the alarm rings, press to silence it.
1. Select Menu Tools Stopwatch.
2. Select Start to have the stopwatch begin counting.
3. Select Stop to stop counting.
4. Select Reset to set the counter back to zero and
begin counting again.
Press when finished.