Ideal for IT Network Administrators
With its intuitive web interface, administration is easy, convenient and secure. Thanks to the 5big Network’s DHCP and Apipa support, network configuration is fast and automatic. It’s easy to control data access by assigning various security levels to shares, groups, user profiles, and public access, and with Windows ADS domain support, there’s no need to recreate user and group accounts. End users do not need to create new passwords and usernames, making the 5big Network as convenient as it is
PC Mac
safe. The 5big Network also provides its administrator with notifications via email of events like backup, RAID construction, and downloads, as well as high temperate, disk damage, and fan damage alerts.
5big Network
External HDD
Router | HTTP, FTP, |
| BitTorrent |
A Multiprotocol Solution
SMB or SAMBA Network file transfer for Windows, Linux, and Mac***
AFP Network file transfer for Mac clients
HTTP For accessing 5big admin and files using a Web browser
HTTPS For those who prefer a secured connection using the Web browser
FTP For accessing files remotely using FTP clients
Bonjour For making files searchable through the network
BitTorrent™ For downloading large files from the Internet without a PC or Mac on
Backup, Restore, and Recover
The 5big Network comes with three client licenses for Genie Backup Manager Pro™ for Windows and three licenses for Intego Backup Manager Pro™ for Mac. This software lets you to reliably and efficiently back up your documents, emails, settings, or other digital assets. With its ease of use, you can schedule and customize the type of backup you create. Ideal for small business network administrators, the Genie and Intego programs can easily find previous versions of your documents and restore them. With computer recovery options, professionals will be able to restore their configuration and to go right back to work in the event of a disaster with their workstation.
1TB= 175,000 office presentations or 125,000 RAW photos or 1000 videos