WritingPrompt Cubes can be used to give students a creative start to write
sentences,a paragraph, or a short story. The hands-on activities will give
studentsthe opportunity to have fun with writing and storytelling!
Thisset includes six multi-colored cubes with different writing prompts
printedon each side.

Suggested Activities

Story on the Spot

Passthe cubes around the room. Have one of the students with a cube stand
upand roll the cube. On the spot, have them tell a story, or a statement about
whatthey just rolled. This story can either be real or made up.

Story Starters

Usethe Writing Prompt Cubes when writing a story. Have a student roll a
cubethen go back to their desk and write about what they rolled. This can be
donewith every student or just when they are having trouble thinking about
whatto write. Keep the story starter cubes in a writing center for students to
usewhen they are stumped for a writing topic.

Samebut Different

Havestudents pair up for a writing activity. Have one person roll the cube.
Bothstudents will write about what was rolled. After they have completed
theirstory they should share with each other to see how the stories differ or
howthey are the same. If time permits read a couple stories to the whole
class.This can also be done with the whole class writing about the same
prompt.Students can write a story with a partner to help with their creativity


Theteacher can roll a cube to use as a journal prompt. Students will start
theirjournal entry with the same prompt. Journal entries do not get shared
withthe class, as some private topics may be written.
Writing PromptCubes