Step 10. All Models - Top Installation Instructions:
The underside of the top has a semicircular recess at both ends.
The pillars have a corresponding semicircular protrusion. Rotate
the top as shown in Figure 10 and position the top so the recess
in each end slides over the protrusions on the pillars (see P in
Figure 10).
Step 11. All Models - Face Removal:
To remove the face from the gas appliance, disassemble the
parts in the reverse order of assembly.
Step 12. All Models - Access to the Appliance Controls:
To obtain access to the gas appliance controls, pull the lower
grill forward and set aside. To reinstall, push the grill up against
the magnets for proper alignment.
CAUTIOn: The pillar face is hot while the appliance is burning. To avoid injury, be sure components are cool before touching. Figure 10Figure 11P
Assembled Pillar Face
Figure 12Step 13. All Models - Extended Knob Installation Instructions:
When installing a cast pillar face on these appliances, use of
these extended knobs are needed for ease of access to the gas
a) Locate the gas valve controls (see Figure 12).
b) Remove the phillips screw from the pilot/on/off gas control knob
as shown (see Figure 13).
c) Re-install the replacement control knob using the phillips screw
taken out in step b (see Figure 14).
d) Extension knobs can now be pressed on both controls (see Figure
P = Protrusions on Pillars