To avoid the risk of damaging
fireplace materials and increas-
ing the risk of fire, do not use the
fireplace to cook or warm food.
WARNINGNEVER use gasoline, gasoline-
type lantern fuel, kerosene,
charcoal lighter fluid, naphtha,
engine oil or similar liquids to
start or “freshen up” a fire in this
fireplace. Keep any flammable
liquids a safe distance from the
fireplace at all times.
WARNINGNever modify or alter your fire-
place system in any way. To do
so may create a potential fire
hazard and void the Limited
WARNINGBe careful adding wood fuel to the
fire or handling fireplace tools such
as shovels, tongs or pokers.
WARNINGThe bottom refractory can be
cracked by excessive abuse such
as tossing heavy logs onto the
grate or gouging with fireplace
tools. Exercise caution when
adding wood to your fireplace.
WARNINGAlways ensure that the air inlet to
the fireplace is free from debris
and any other obstructions that
can block the entrance of air.
WARNINGNeither the manufacturer nor the
seller warrants “smoke free”
operation nor are we responsible
for inadequate system draft
caused by mechanical systems,
general construction conditions,
inadequate chimney heights,
adverse wind conditions and/or
unusual environmental factors or
conditions beyond our control.
WARNINGThis fireplace has NOT been
tested with an unvented or vented
gas log set. To reduce risk of fire
or injury, do not install a gas log
set into this fireplace.
WARNINGThe fireplace must be operated
with the doors fully opened or
fully closed. If the doors are
left partly opened, smoke may
be drawn into the room. Use
optional firescreen when doors
are fully opened.
WARNINGUse care when selecting window
treatments for windows located
near the fireplace. Avoid using
combustible flowing window
treatments such as curtains
on nearby windows that are of
sufficient length to be blown in
front of an open flame when the
window is opened.
Keep any combustible furniture,
materials or decorative pillows
at least 48" (1219 mm) from the
front fireplace opening.
WARNINGThe Montecito Estate™ must be
installed with an outside air kit,
which is included with fireplace.
WARNINGNever leave children unattended
when there is a fire burning in
the fireplace.
WARNINGNever leave your fireplace unat-
tended while it is burning.
IMPORTANTWhen burning wood, use SOLID
WOOD ONLY. Hardwoods are
recommended (soft woods tend
to burn very quickly).
• DO NOT burn treated wood,
charcoal, coal, trash, card-
board, driftwood, woods dipped
in tar, Christmas tree greens,
pitch, pine tar, creosote, chemi-
cal chimney cleaners, flame
colorants, polystyrene packag-
ing, wood products with syn-
thetic binders (i.e. plywood).
Plywood, lumber and other misc.
materials can produce abnor-
mally high temperatures, sput-
tering and smoking fires and may
contain hazardous chemicals to
treat insects and fungus.
• Burning unapproved fuels can
produce excessive tempera-
tures, beyond the design capa-
bilities of the fireplace and may
produce excess sparks or may
contain hazardous chemicals.
Burning unapproved fuels can
result in a chimney fire, a house
fire, personal injury, death or
loss of property.