Table 2-2. OSD functions (continued)





























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Selecting a supported display mode

The display mode the monitor uses is controlled by the computer. Therefore, refer to your computer documentation for details on how to change display modes.

The image size, position and shape might change when the display mode changes. This is normal and the image can be readjusted using automatic image setup and the image controls.

Unlike CRT monitors, which require a high refresh rate to minimize flicker, LCD or Flat Panel technology is inherently flicker-free.

Note: If your system has previously been used with a CRT monitor and is currently configured to a display mode outside the range of this monitor, you may need to re-attach the CRT monitor temporarily until you have re-configured the system; preferably to 1024 x 768 at 60 Hz, which is the Native Resolution Display mode.

Chapter 2. Adjusting and using your monitor


Page 17
Image 17
Lenovo 9205-HG2 manual Selecting a supported display mode

9205-HG2 specifications

The Lenovo 9205-HG2 is an advanced and innovative device that exemplifies the company’s commitment to providing high-quality technological solutions for both personal and professional use. This laptop is designed with a blend of performance, functionality, and portability, making it a great choice for a wide range of users from students to working professionals.

One of the standout features of the Lenovo 9205-HG2 is its powerful processing capabilities. Equipped with the latest generation Intel processors, this laptop ensures smooth multitasking and efficient performance whether you're running complex applications, engaging in graphics-intensive tasks, or enjoying high-definition media. Users can expect rapid boot times and quick access to applications, thanks to the inclusion of solid-state drives (SSD) that not only enhance speed but also provide ample storage capacity.

The Lenovo 9205-HG2 also boasts a stunning display that enhances the user experience significantly. With a high-resolution screen, vibrant colors, and impressive brightness levels, this laptop is ideal for photo editing, graphic design, and entertainment purposes, providing clarity and detail that bring visuals to life. Additionally, the narrow bezels contribute to a modern and sleek aesthetic.

In terms of connectivity, the Lenovo 9205-HG2 does not disappoint. It offers a comprehensive selection of ports including USB-C, USB 3.0, HDMI, and an audio jack, allowing users to connect various peripherals and external devices effortlessly. This versatility ensures that whether you need to project a presentation, connect an external hard drive, or listen to music, the 9205-HG2 can accommodate your needs.

Furthermore, Lenovo places a significant emphasis on user convenience, which is evident in the laptop's design. With a comfortable keyboard featuring responsive keys and a precision touchpad, users can type with ease and navigate seamlessly. The ergonomic design reduces strain during prolonged use, which is particularly beneficial for users engaged in extensive tasks.

Security is also a key feature of the Lenovo 9205-HG2, equipped with advanced security mechanisms to protect data and privacy. Features such as a fingerprint reader and webcam privacy shutter ensure that your information remains secure while providing peace of mind when using the laptop.

In conclusion, the Lenovo 9205-HG2 is a versatile, high-performance laptop that stands out due to its robust specifications, stunning display, and user-friendly features. Its combination of power, design, and security makes it a valuable choice for individuals looking to enhance their computing experience in both personal and professional environments.