Appendix A. Service and Support
The following information describes the technical support that is available for your
product, during the warranty period or throughout the life of the product. Refer to
your Lenovo Statement of Limited Warranty for a full explanation of Lenovo
warranty terms.
Telephone technical support
Installation and configuration support through the Customer Support Center will
be withdrawn or made available for a fee, at Lenovo’s discretion, 90 days after the
option has been withdrawn from marketing. Additional support offerings,
including step-by-step installation assistance, are available for a nominal fee.
To assist the technical support representative, have available as much of the
following information as possible:
v Option name
v Option number
v Proof of purchase
v Computer manufacturer, model, serial number, and manual
v Exact wording of the error message (if any)
v Description of the problem
v Hardware and software configuration information for your system
If possible, be at your computer. Your technical support representative might want
to walk you through the problem during the call.
Worldwide telephone list
Phone numbers are subject to change without notice. For the most current phone
numbers, go to and click Support phone
Country or Region Telephone Number
Argentina 0800-666-0011 (Spanish)
Australia 131-426 (English)
© Copyri ght L enov o 2008. A-1
Online technical support
Onlin e technical supp ort is av ailable du ring the li fe of your product throu gh the
Lenovo Suppor t Web site at h ttp:/ / ww / think/ su pport.
Duri ng the warr anty peri od, assis tance for repla cement or exchange of def ective
components is av ailable. In addi tion, if y our opti on is instal led in a LLENOVOL enovo
computer, you might be entitled to ser vice at you r location. Your technica l
representativ e can help you determine the best alter native.
Afri ca: +44 (0) 1475-555-055
South Af rica : +27-11-3028888 and 0800110756
Central A f rica : C ontact
your Lenov o Servicepr ovider