High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filtration Systems
99.97% efficiency rating for |
| Pollutants like pollen, bacteria, viruses and dust find their way into your home’s | |
removal of small, breathable |
| air every day. That’s a problem, because these particles and bioaerosols can | |
particles at 0.3 micron |
| ||
| ||
| cause poor indoor air quality, which impacts both your home environment |
Bypass configuration quietly |
| ||
circulates and cleans the air |
| and your health. At the very least, poor air quality can make your home | |
throughout the home |
| ||
| ||
| uncomfortable. And, if you’re one of more than 50 million Americans who |
Works with your central |
| ||
| ||
heating and cooling |
| suffer from allergies,*** poor air quality can make your home very unhealthy. | |
system to enhance the air |
| |
throughout your home |
Combats all classes of |
| A Healthy Climate® | |
| ||
| ||
bioaerosols and odors/ |
| system can go a long way toward improving the air you breathe. Using | |
chemical |
| ||
| the same filtration technology found in hospital operating rooms and | ||
best possible air filtration |
| ||
performance |
| science labs, a HEPA system removes nearly all | |
| |
| contaminants, including even the smallest particles and bacteria. It filters |
| |
| and freshens the air throughout your home, so you can breathe easier. |
| Finding a Solution |
| ||
| |||||
| Particles | Small, respirable particles | HEPA Filtration Systems |
| |||||
Warranty** |
| (Pollen, dust mites, | canaggravateallergiesand | ||
| dirt, pet dander) | respiratory conditions. | air (HEPA) bypass filtration | ||
| systems are designed to | |
covered components. |
| capture even the smallest | |
| Bioaerosols | Biologicalcontaminantslike | ofparticlesandkeepthem | ||
| |||
| (Bacteria, viruses, | mold can cause or worsen | fromrecirculatingbackinto |
| mold spores, fungi) | asthma,aswellashayfever | your home’s air. HEPA |
| and other allergies. | filtration systems provide |
| fast, effective cleaning, | |
| |
| completelyfilteringtheair |
| |
| Odors/ChemicalVapors | Airbornechemicalscancause | throughoutyourhomemany |
| |||
| (Perfumes, cleaning | headaches,fatigue,nausea, | times a day. |
| supplies, paints, | rashes, dizziness and, in |
| solvents, pet odors, | some cases, severe illness. |
| cooking fumes) |
*Optional carbon canister removes odors and chemical vapors.
**Applies to residential applications only. See actual warranty certificate for details.
***Source: National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases