4.6.5 VPN setting VPN Settings are settings that are used to create virtual private tunnels to remote VPN gateways. The
tunnel technology supports data confidentiality, data origin authentication and data integrity of network
information by utilizing encapsulation protocols, encryption algorithms, and hashing algorithms.
• VPN enable item
VPN protects network information from ill network inspectors. But it greatly degrades network
throughput. Enable it when you really need a security tunnel. It is disabled for default.
• Max. number of tunnels item
Since VPN greatly degrades network throughput, the allowable maximum number of tunnels is limited.
Be careful to set the value for allowing the number of tunnels can be created simultaneously. Its value
ranges from 1 to 5.
• Tunnel name
Indicate which tunnel that is focused now.
• Method
IPSec VPN supports two kinds of key-obtained methods: manual key and automatic key exchange.
Manual key approach indicates that two end VPN gateways setup authenticator and encryption key by
system managers manually. However, IKE approach will perform automatic Internet key exchange.
System managers of both end gateways only need set the same pre-shared key.