Advanced Administration
E-mail This screen allows you to E-mail Logs and Alerts. A sample screen is shown below.
Figure 42: E-mail Screen
Data – E-mail Screen
E-Mail Notification
Send Alerts and
Logs Via E-mail Check this box to enable this feature. If enabled, the E-mail address
information (below) must be provided.
Send to this E-
mail address Enter the E-mail address the Log is to be sent to. The E-mail will also
show this address as the Sender's address.
Outgoing Mail
Server Enter the address or IP address of the SMTP (Simple Mail Transport
Protocol) Server you use for outgoing E-mail.
E-mail Alerts
Send E-mail alerts
immediately You can choose to have alerts E-mailed to you, by checking the
desired checkboxes. The FBR-1416 can send an immediate alert
when it detects a significant security incident such as
• A known hacker attack is directed at your IP address
• A computer on the Internet scans your IP address for open ports
• Someone on your LAN (Local Area Network) tries to visit a
blocked site.