update is the correct version and read through the instructions carefully. It is wise to back
up all existing data on the LevelOne NAS prior to performing system software update.
The current settings will remain unchanged after the system is upgraded.
• Change Logo
You can place a picture that you desire on the upper right corner of the home page. The
size of the picture cannot exceed 20K
• Tape Backup (For GNS-8000 Only)
The tape backup tools allow you to perform the backup or restore jobs using a tape
drive with ease. In principal, there are two different types of backups: Full Backup or
Incremental Backup. Full backup will back up all the files in the backup source.
However, the incremental backup will only back up any modified or new files after
last backup.
Backup Now
To back up the files to the tape right away, you can run an immediate backup job.
To restore from the previously backup tape, you can perform the restore operation.
Scheduled Jobs
You can schedule a backup job to be executed automatically at any later time
There are several useful tape functions to operate on the tape drive. For example, you
can rewind, eject or erase the tape here.
Job Status
You can review or monitor the status of the backup or restore job.
1. The SCSI tape drive has to be properly connected and turned on before
starting the system, or it will not be detected.
2. The HVD (High Voltage Differential) SCSI tape drive is not supported by
this system.