Uplink Port
UpLink Group 1 ,assigned ports>> 1
[S]Port Select
[D]Port Delete
[A]Select All Ports
Select :>>
3.repeat step 1,2 to select port 2,3,4,5 ,6,7,8,9 ,then see the result below.
UpLink Group 1 ,assigned ports>> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
[S]Port Select
[D]Port Delete
[A]Select All Ports
Select :>>
4. type ‘C’ or ‘c’ to continue
Select :>> c |
| |
Please Wait !! |
| ||
Uplink Port Select |
| ||
[A] port | 1 | [B] port | 2 | [C] port | 3 | [D] port | 4 | [E] port 5 |
[F] port | 6 | [G] port | 7 | [H] port | 8 | [I] port | 9 | [J] port 10 |
[K] port 11 | [L] port 12 | [M] port 13 | [N] port 14 | [O] port 15 | ||||
[P] port 16 | [Q] port 17 | [R] port 18 | [S] port 19 | [T] port 20 |
[U]port 21 [V] port 22 [W] port 23 [X] port 24 [Y] port G1
[Z]port G2
Select :>>
5.type ‘I’ or ‘i’ to select uplink port ,as you can see bellow, “Group 1 >>
12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9