WBR-3407 User Guide
Wireless Security - WPA-802.1x If WPA-802.1x is selected, the screen will look like the following.
Note that to use 802.1x:
• You need a Radius Server.
• The Radius Server must have "Client" login for the WBR-3407, using its IP address and
the the "Shared Key" set on this screen.
• Each client (user) must obtain a Certificate to authenticate against the Radius Server. See
Chapter 4 - PC Configuration for details.
Figure 11: WPA-802.1x Screen
Data - WPA-802.1x Screen
Radius Server
Address Enter the name or IP address of the Radius Server on your network.
Radius Port Enter the port number used for connections to the Radius Server.
Shared Key This is used for the Client Login on the Radius Server. Enter the
key value to match the Radius Server.
Note: The Encryption method used is TKIP.