SOHO Paper Demands
Cut size stock for SOHO printing environments can be split into four main types:
- Glossy coated paper is ideal for photo- realistic imaging, but often considerably more expensive due to the PE coating, the binding systems, the different pigments, namely special pigments which allow high transparence and high absorption and/or the fixation agent.
- Matt coated paper typically has a silica- based coating, but still holds good colour graphics quality.
-Lightly coated
-Uncoated surface papers for monochrome printing where colour quality is not even an issue.
Cut size Applications
•Promotional documents
•Direct mail
•Business cards
•CD Covers and labels
•Greeting cards
Broadly speaking then, paper demands for SOHO inkjet printing include:
•Excellent print quality (good fixation of the ink on the substrate)
•Fast ink drying time
•Good light stability
•High dimensional stability (i.e. low or no cockling/curling)
•High ink absorption capability
•Adequate surface friction to enable better feeding
•Good printed opacity (particularly in a duplex printing environment)