Printing from Mac OS X version 10.0.3 to 10.1Now that you have set up your printer and installed the
printer software, you are ready to print your first document.
Basic printing is as easy as:
1Load the paper. For help, see page 6.
2Open the file you want to print.
3Customize the printer settings.
4Print your document.
The Online User’s Guide for Mac OS X 10.0.3 to 10.1
contains printing instructions and ideas, maintenance ti ps,
and troubleshooting information. You will need Adobe
Acrobat 4.0 or later to view your printer documentation. To
open the Online User’s Guide:
1From the Dock, click the Finder icon.
2Click Computer, and then double-click the OS X disk
icon Library folder Printers folder Lexmark
3Double-click the Lexmark Z25-Z35 Users Guide.pdf
4From the left navigation area, click Printer overview
to learn how to customize the printer settings using
the printer software.
5When you are finished, click File Quit.