Table of Contents
Posted Facilities 92
Aircraft 92
Blasting Areas 92
Potentially Explosive Atmosphere 92
For Vehicles Equipped with an
Air Bag 93
Safety Information 93
Charger and Adapter Safety 93
Battery Information and Care 94
Explosion, Shock, and Fire Hazards94
General Notice 95
Warning! Important safety
information 96
Avoiding hearing damage 96
Using your phone safely 97
Avoiding hearing damage 97
Using headsets safely 98
FDA Consumer Update 98
10 Driver Safety Tips 108
Consumer Information
on SAR 112
FCC Hearing-Aid Compatibility
(HAC) Regulations for
Wireless Devices 115
Accessories 118Limited Warranty Statement 119Index 123
Some content in this user guide may
differ from your phone depending on
the phone software. Features and
specifications are subject to change
without prior notice.