Transmission / Receiving Protocol
[Command 1] : First command to control the set.(j,k,mor x)
[Command 2] : Second command to control the set.
[Set ID] : You can adjust the seIDtochoosedesired TV ID
number in Setup menu. Adjustment range is 1~99.
When selecting Set ID ‘0’, every connected the TV
is controlled. Set ID is indicated as decimal (1~
99)on menu and as Hexa decimal (0x0~ 0x63)
on transmission/receiving protocol.
[DATA] : To transmit command data.
Transmit ‘FF’ data to read status of comand.
[Cr] : Carriage Return
ASCII code ‘0x0D’
[ ] : ASCII code ‘space (0x20)’
OOKK AAcckknnoowwlleeddggeemmeenntt
The TV transmits ACK (acknowledgement) based on this for-
mat when receiving normal data. At this time, if the data is
data read mode, it indicates present status data. If the data is
data write mode, it returns the data of the PC computer.
EErrrroorr AAcckknnoowwlleeddggeemmeenntt
The TV transmits ACK (acknowledgement) based on this for-
mat when receiving abnormal data from non-viable functions
or communication errors.
Data1: Illegal Code
Data2: Not supported function
Data3: Wait more time
[[CCoommmmaanndd11]][[CCoommmmaanndd22]][[ ]][[SSeett IIDD]][[ ]][[DDaattaa]][[CCrr]][[CCoommmmaanndd22]][[ ]][[SSeett IIDD]][[ ]][[OOKK]][[DDaattaa]][[xx]]
[[CCoommmmaanndd22]][[ ]][[SSeett IIDD]][[ ]][[NNGG]][[DDaattaa]][[xx]]
Command Reference List
15. Balance k t 0 ~64
16. Colour Temperature k u 0 ~3
17. Red Adjustment k v 0 ~3C(or 50)
18.Green Adjustment k w 0 ~3C(or 50)
19.Blue Adjustment k $ 0 ~3C(or 50)
Abnormal Status
k z 0 ~a
21.ISM Method j p 0 ~3
22. Low Power j q 0 ~1
23.Orbiter Time Setting j r 1 ~FE
24.Orbiter Pixel Setting j s 1 ~3
25.Auto Configure j u 1
Channel Select Command
m a *
27. Send IR Code m c Key Code
28.Input select (Main) x b *
29.Input select (PIP) x y *
01.Power k a 0 ~1
02.Aspect Ratio k c *
03.Screen Mute k d 0 ~1
04.Volume Mute k e 0 ~1
05.Volume Control k f 0 ~64
06.Contrast k g 0 ~64
07. Brightness k h 0 ~64
08.Colour k i 0 ~64
09.Tint k j 0 ~64
10.Sharpness k k 0 ~64
11.OSD Select k l 0 ~1
12.Remote Control 0 ~1
lock mode
13.PIP/DW k n *
14.PIP Position k q 0 ~3
k m
Ofrecido por www.electromanuales.com
Downloaded From TV-Manual.com Manuals