IP Environment Setup (Cont.)

Pro:Centric Setup

Pro:Centric options enable you to configure the TV with the appropriate settings to connect to the Pro:Centric server. Use the Up/Down arrow keys on the Installer Remote to navigate between fields.

1. With the IP Environment Menu on display, use the arrow keys
















on the Installer Remote to select Pro:Centric. Then, press OK.


IP Environment








Note: Options that are initially grayed out/inaccessible in the






















Pro:Centric Menu are dependent upon other settings in the



• Network Connection












display. For example, if “IP” is selected in the Media Type field,






















the Server IP and Port Number fields become accessible.



• Network Status














Media Type









2. Refer to the appropriate subsection(s) below to configure the



• Pro:Centric














Server IP

















TV’s Pro:Centric settings to match those of the Pro:Centric



• MAC Address: CC:2D:8C:87:8B:70














Port Number













Data Channel










While the Pro:Centric application (Mode) itself is an additional













Update Event












feature, the appropriate Pro:Centric server configuration must








be completed to enable TV E-Z Installation (splash screen,



Update Time















12  AM











configuration, and/or firmware) data downloads and, if




























configured, the Pro:Centric application download.



























Note: For those fields that permit direct entry of numerical values (for example, Server IP, Port Number, Data Channel, etc.), once you key in the maximum number of digits allowed in the highlighted field, the next available field will be highlighted.

RF Configuration

a)In the Media Type field, use the Left/Right arrow keys to select RF.

Note: If the Media Type has already been set in the Express Script Installer Menu Wizard, the specified value will be reflected in this field.

b)In the Data Channel field, either key in or use the Left/Right arrow keys to select the RF channel number that will be used by the Pro:Centric server as its data channel. The Data Channel value can be set from 0 (disabled) to 135.*

For TVs in Pass-through Mode or FTG Mode, if this item is left at its default value (255), the TV’s Data Channel Auto Search feature will be enabled. See Installer Menu item 119 DATA CHANNEL description on page 30 for further information.

Note: If the Data Channel has already been set in the Installer Menu (Installer Menu item 119) or in the Express Script Installer Menu Wizard, the specified channel will appear in this field. If you change the Data Channel in this menu, Installer Menu item 119 will now show the value you entered here.

(Continued on next page)

*PCS150R and later Pro:Centric servers do not support HRC or IRC cable channel frequencies.
