Button Procedures
The attendant station can be placed into night service mode allowing ring assignments and ans wering privileges to station
not having the privileges in the day mode. Or, can be placed into on-demand service mode allowing ri ng as signments and
answering privileges to station not having the privileges in the night mode.
The system can be placed in Day/On-demand/Night/Weekend/Auto mode operation manually by pres sing [DND/FWD]
button at attendant station. In Auto ring mode, the ring mode will follow the Weekly Time Table (PGM 233).
To activate/deactivate Day/Night/On-demand/Weekend/Auto mode manually,
Pressing DND/FWD button, the ring mode is changed to
Daymode in s eque nce.
On-demand mode is not activated automatically.
To activate Auto Ring Mode with Attendant PGM mode,
Press TRANS/PGMbutton.
Dial 0 7 4.
Dial 1and press HOLD/SAVE button.
(The Weekly Time Table should be entered by Admin Programming.)
Day/On-demand/Night/Weekend Mode Service
Attendant Operation
Button Procedures
To Print out Accumulated SMDR Records
For station basis,
Dial TRANS/PGM + 0 1 1 1
Enter the desired station range.
Press HOLD/SAVEbutton. A ccum ulated SMDR records will be printed to SMDR port)
Station Message Detail Recording(SMDR) can provide details on both incoming and outgoing call s .
For account group basis,
Dial TRANS/PGM + 0 1 1 3
Enter the desired account group to be printed.
Press HOLD/SAVEbutton. (Accumulated SMDR records will be printed SMDR port)
Button Procedure
To Erase SMDR Records
For call account group basis,
Dial TRANS/PGM + 0 1 1 4
Enter the desired account group. (SMDR records will be erased for all stations in the range.)
Press HOLD/SAVEbutton.
For station basis,
Dial TRANS/PGM + 0 1 1 2
Enter the desired station range. (SMDR records will be erased for all stations in the range.)
Press HOLD/SAVEbutton.
To display call charge,
Dial TRANS/PGM + 0 1 1 5
Enter the station number.
Press HOLD/SAVEbutton.
Customized Message
Button Procedure
Press TRANS/PGM button.
Dial 0 5 3
Dial the number of the desired message (11~20).
Enter the desired message using the code in Dial by Name.
Press HOLD/SAVEbutton.