ContentsFor Your Safety ..........................5
Safety Guidelines .....................12
Important notice ......................36
Getting to know your phone ....46
Installing the SIM card and
battery ...................................48
Charging your phone ...............49
Installing the memory card ......50
Formatting the memory card ...51
Your Home screen ...................52
Touch screen tips ....................52
Lock your phone .....................52
Unlock screen .........................53
Silent mode ............................53
Home ....................................53
Adding widgets to your Home
screen ....................................54
Returning to recently-used
applications ............................55
Notifi cation drawer ..................55
Viewing the status bar .............56
Onscreen keyboard .................58
Entering accented letters .........58
Google account setup ..............59
Wi-Fi ........................................60
Wi-Fi ......................................60
Turning on Wi-Fi .....................60
Connecting to Wi-Fi .................60
Sharing your phone’s data
connection .............................61
USB tethering & portable Wi-Fi
hotspot settings ......................61
To share your phone’s data
connection via USB .................62
USB tethering and data sharing 62
To share your phone’s data
connection as a portable Wi-Fi
hotspot ...................................63
To rename or secure your
portable hotspot ......................63
LG On-Screen Phone 2.0 ..........65
On-Screen Phone 2.0 icons .....65
On-Screen Phone 2.0 features 65
Installing On-Screen Phone on
your PC ..................................66
Connecting your phone to your
PC .........................................66