Set Load1 and Load2 to 450mA. S et Load3 and
Load4 to 300mA. Adjust PS1 over the operating range
and observe line regulation.
A PPL ICA TION INFORM A TION This demo circuit is designed to demonstrate the full
capability of the LTC3562 I
C Q uad Synchronous
Step-Down DC-DC Regulator. Not all components are
required in all applications. The critical circuit com-
ponents are on the top of the board near the IC and
listed in the Required C ircuit Components section of
the Bill of M aterials, in Figure 5.
The input capacitor netw ork of C1 and R1 is used to
dampen source lead inductances that commonly oc-
cur in laboratory setups with tw isted leads and a
bench pow er supply. W hen using a USB cable this
input damping netw ork w ill likely not be required.
Please note that the in-circuit capacitance of the
specified 10uF, 0805 ceramic capacitor for C1 and C2
is less than 5uF each with VIN greater than 4.25 Volts.
For good transient response and stability the output
capacitor each buck regulator should retain at least
4uF of capacitance over the operating temperature
and voltage range.
The output inductors for the OUT600A and OU T600B
are the recommended values of 3.3uH w hile the
OUT400A and OUT400B are 4.7uH.
Resistors R 4 and R 6 are to adjust the output voltage
seen on the OUT600A output while R 3 and R4 w ill set
the voltage on the OU T400A output.