In the filter menu, IP Address Filter prevents some interior members to browse the
Internet via AcerRouter 101/201. You may add up to five sets of IP address on the
Filtered Private IP Address field.
Service Filter allows the prevention of all users from accessing any restricted service
on the Internet. You may add up to five services on the Filtered Private Ports field.
Virtual Server
Virtual server is setting up public services group interior so as for allowing Internet
users to access. You must have a fixed IP to utilize this function. For example, If you
set "80(WWW HTTP) in Service field and in IP Address field, then all
WWW request from outside user will be transferred to The Gateway of
servers must be set on
You may use this function to establish web server or FTP server via AcerRouter
101/201 for Internet users to access. Only enter the IP Address provided by ISP,
Internet users can get all the information from