Chapter 5: Configuring the Router
The Status Tab - Voice
Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
The Status Tab - VoiceThe Voice screen displays information about your Internet phone line(s).
Auto Config Status
Auto Config Status. Each time the Router boots up, it automatically checks to see if it has the latest
configuration for Internet phone service. If necessary, the Router will automatically update its configuration. You
can make Internet phone calls only if the Router has the most recent configuration.
User1 Status
Registration Status. This indicates whether or not this phone line is registered with AT&T CallVantage Service. If
the phone line is not registered and you want Internet phone service, then refer to “Chapter 6: Signing up for
AT&T CallVantagesm Service.” If the registration status indicates that the registration has failed, then refer to
“Appendix A: Troubleshooting.”
Call1 Status. The status of the active phone call is shown here.
Call2 Status. If you are using call waiting, the status of the incoming phone call is shown here.
User2 Status
Registration Status. This indicates whether or not this phone line is registered with AT&T CallVantage Service. If
the phone line is not registered and you want Internet phone service, then refer to “Chapter 6: Signing up for
AT&T CallVantagesm Service.” If the registration status indicates that the registration has failed, then refer to
“Appendix A: Troubleshooting.”
Call1 Status. The status of the active phone call is shown here.
Call2 Status. If you are using call waiting, the status of the incoming phone call is shown here.
Click the Refresh button to update the on-screen information. For help information, click Help.
Figure 5-29: Status Tab - Voice