
The AKURATE 221 bass reinforcement speaker is heavy: take care when
removing it from its packaging.
TThhee AAKKUURRAATTEE 222211 ssppeeaakkeerr iiss ssuupppplliieedd wwiitthh tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg aacccceessssoorriieess::
mains lead
phono lead
warranty card
this manual
We recommend that you retain the packaging in case you need to transport the
AKURATE 221 speaker at a later date.

Voltage selection

Voltage selection is not needed. Your AKURATE 221 is factory set to operate
from your local mains supply. The mains lead supplied may be fitted with a fused
plug according to local regulations. If this is the case, always replace this fuse
with another of the same type and rating.