NNeeww 550000SS AAmmpplliiffiieerr MMoodduullee The AKURATE 221 bass extension loudspeaker
utilises 500 watts of servo-assisted Linn silent power. The bass drive unit is
constantly monitored and regulated to maintain accurate, extended bass in any
listening environment.

Entire System

SSEEKKRRIITT--FFaasstteenneerrInvisible, flush-fitting, speaker grille technology.
MMaaggnneettiicc SShhiieellddiinnggTo avoid magnetic interference with other household
products such as a television or a mobile communications device, all of the
loudspeakers within the AKURATE system are magnetically shielded.


AKURATE 242, 225 and 212

LLiinnnn 33--KK DDrriivveerr AArrrraayy(patent pending) Linn designed and engineered drive unit
array delivers optimised dispersion and high frequency performance. Provides
open and natural presentation and clear, precise dialogue and effects. All
components used in the 3-K Array are matched to a close tolerance, retaining
sonic purity and consistency throughout.
UUnniiqquuee LLiinnnn LLoouuddssppeeaakkeerr CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn SSyysstteemmInput connector system enabling
passive multi-wiring/amplifier operation and a simple, clear upgrade path to an
active system. You can begin with a complete, high quality, passive loudspeaker
system and achieve performance enhancements through easy upgrade to full
active operation.
HHiigghh QQuuaalliittyy 6611//22 ((1166..55 ccmm)) SSaannddwwiicchh--CCoonnee BBaassss DDrriivt