1166.. PPoowweerr ssoouurrcceess..Connect the apparatus to a power supply only of the type
described in the operating instructions or marked on the apparatus.
1177.. MMaaiinnss pplluugg.. Use the mains plug to disconnect the apparatus from the
mains supply. The mains plug must be accessible at all times. Use the
mains switch (if applicable) when the apparatus is not in use.
1188.. PPoowweerr lliinneess.. An outdoor antenna should be located away from
power lines.
1199.. OOuuttddoooorr aanntteennnnaa ggrroouunnddiinngg..If an outdoor antenna is connected to the
apparatus, ensure that the antenna system is grounded to provide some
protection against voltage surges and static build up. In the USA see article
810 of the National Electrical Code ANSI/NFPA 70 concerning installation
2200.. TTeel
leepphhoonnee lliinnee..Do not connect the apparatus to a telephone line
except where specifically instructed to do so.
2211.. OObbjjeeccttss aanndd lliiqquuiidd eennttrryy..Do not let objects or liquids fall into the
apparatus. Do not expose the apparatus to dripping or splashing. Do not
place a vessel containing liquid on top of the apparatus.
2222.. NNoo nnaakkeedd ffllaammee ssoouurrcceess,, ssuucchh aass lliigghhtteedd ccaannddlleess,,
sshhoouulldd bbee
ppllaacceedd oonn tthhee aappppaarraattuuss..
2233.. TThhee aappppaarraattuuss hhaass bbeeeenn ddeessiiggnneedd ffoorr uussee iinn mmooddeerraattee aanndd ttrroop
Fuse replacement
This appliance is fitted with a non-rewireable 13 amp mains plug. The plug
contains a 5 amp fuse. If the fuse has blown it can be replaced as follows:
a) Pull out the red fuse cover/carrier.
b) Remove and dispose of the blown fuse.
c) Fit a new 5 amp BS1362 approved fuse into the carrier and
push the carrier back into the plug.
Always ensure the fuse cover is fitted. If the fuse cover is missing do not use the
plug. Contact your Linn retailer to obtain a replacement fuse cover.
Fuses are for fire protection and do not protect against electric shock.
Mains plug replacement
Should your mains plug need replacing and you are competent to do this
proceed as follows. If you are in doubt contact your Linn retailer or a competent
a) Disconnect the plug from the mains supply.
b) Cut off the plug and dispose of it safely. A plug with bared
conductors is dangerous if engaged in a live socket.
c) Only fit a 13 amp BS1363A approved plug with a 5 amp fuse.
d) The cable wire colours or a letter will be marked at the
connection points of most quality plugs.
Attach the wires securely to their respective points. The Brown wire must go to
the Live pin, the Blue wire must go to the Neutral pin, and the Green/Yellow wire
must go to the Earth pin.
e) Before replacing the plug top ensure that the cable restraint is
holding the outer sheath of the cable firmly and that the wires
are correctly connected.