After each use, run HPV with the empty bag attached
to help clear out any loose material in the housing.
When not in use store High Performance Vac
in sheltered area (a dry place) not accessible to
children. Keep throttle in the “Stop” position.
The High Performance Vac, as well as fuel, should
not be stored in a house or poorly ventilated areas.
Do not store fuel in the engine’s gas tank longer than
30 days.
* See Engine Operating & Maintenance instructions for mor detail maintenance and service schedule.
** Change oil every 25 Hrs if operating under heavy load or high ambient temperatures.
Area Every
Use Every
5 Hrs After rst
8 Hrs of use Every
25 Hours Every
50 Hours
*Engine See Engine Manual
Check mufer area
for accumulation of
debirs X
Check for Excessive
vibration X
Inspect for loose or
damange parts X
Inspect for clean
intake nozzle X
Inspect labels condi-
tion X
Check oil level X
**Oil change X X
Service air cleaner X
Clean and inspect
spark plug arrester X