What are the recommended tips when setting up my system?
Camera Setup
Each camera should be assigned a name that corresponds to its use (i.e. Dock1, BackDoor, Cash3, etc.). This name is displayed onscreen, and helps to identify the camera location easily.
1.Enter MENU mode by pressing the MENU button on the front panel of the system (or on the Remote Control). Select the SYSTEM SETUP Option.
2.Select the CAMERA menu from the MAIN menu. Navigate using the up and down arrows on the front panel (or remote control). Highlight the selection in Green, and press the ENTER button to enter the CAMERA Menu.
3.Select the CAMERA TITLE Menu. Change the settings by navigating with the UP/DOWN/LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys.
•CAM # - Indicates the Camera Number (corresponds to the DIN/BNC connection port on the back of the system).
•Covert - Turns the onscreen display of the Camera ON/OFF. Covert Cameras continue to record, however the camera is not displayed onscreen. This feature is commonly used in situations where the Monitor is located in a public area, and a camera should not be displayed (i.e. Located in a Cash Count room, or directed at a Cash Register).
•Title - Sets the name for the individual camera (0~9, A~Z) up to # characters,
by using the Virtual Keyboard:
zVirtual Keyboard - Appears when the Camera Title change is selected. Navigate with the arrow keys, and press ENTER to select a Number or Letter.
zAPPLY - Saves the Title change.
zPREVIOUS - Moves to the previous camera in the list