----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SectionUpdated: 1/10/2 008 6:49 AM at http://www.lotus-europa.com----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lubrication System
Pump -Type Eccentric rotor
- Drive Skewgear from camshaft
- Inner to outer rotor clearance SeeSection 'E' (Engine)
Normal pressure (hot) @ 2,000 r.p.m. 30 lbs.in.sq. (2. kg.cm.sq.)
Filter Full- flow ('throw away' canister)
Pump operation Mechanical
Air cleaner type Paper element (dry)
Choke control Manual
Carburetter - Non Exhaust Emission:
Type Solex 35 DIDSA 2 (twin choke)
Slow running speed 900/1,000 r.p.m.
Primary Secondary
Choke 26 26
Main jet 145 140
Air correction jet 135 150
Accelerator pump jet 40 Nil
Power jet Nil 80/270
Inner venturi 28 32
Carburetter - Exhaust Emission:
Type Solex 26 - 32 DIDSA 5 (twin choke)
Slow running speed 1,000 +- 50 r.p.m.
Primary Secondary
Choke 23.5 27
Main jet 120 142.5
Air correction jet 125 125
Slow running jet 60 95
Type Coil and distributor
Firing order 1,3,4,2
No. 1 cylinder Nearest to clutch
Ignition advance control Centrifugal