----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SectionUpdated: 1/10/2 008 6:49 AM at http://www.lotus-europa.com----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ignition timing (static)
Non Exhaust Emission 4° B.T.D.C.
Exhaust Emission T.D.C.
Coil Ducellier 2765 A
Sparking plugs - Type* Marchal 34 HS
- Gap .023 in. (.584 mm.)
*Alternatively, Champion N4, Champion NTY or Autolite AG22 may be used in all engines with a points gap
of .023 in. (.584 mm.).
Type Ducellier 4 cylinder
Drive Skew gear from camshaft
Direction of rotation (from above) Anti-clockwise
Contact breaker gap .016/.019 in. (.40/.50 mm.)
Cam dwell angle 61° +- 3°
Firing angles 0°, 90°, 180°, 270° +- 1°
Centrifugal advance (Non Exhaust Emission):
Distributor Distributor
r.p.m. degrees B.T.D.C.
Below 550 No advance
920 7.8
1,000 8.0
2,000 13.0
3,000 18.0
Vacuum advance (Non Exhaust Emission):
Distributor Vacuum
degrees B.T.D.C. Hg.inches
1.5 3.937
4.6 7.874
6.5 11.811
7.0 15.748
Type Centrifugal pump and fan
Radiator cap relief valve 7 lbs .in .sq. (.49 kg.cm .sq .)
Thermostat nominal opening temperature 68° C.
Water pump belt tension (at longest run) 09375/.15625 in. (2.3812./3.9687 mm.)
Alternator belt tension (at longest run) .28125/.375 in. (7.1437/9.525 mm.)