Deep Alarm
The deep alarm adjusts the same as the shallow alarm. Use the “DEEP ALARM” menu to adjust the deep alarm. When the bottom signal goes deeper than the setting, an alarm tone sounds.
The display is backlighted for night use. To turn the backlights on or off, press the menu key repeatedly until the BACK LIGHT menu appears. Now press the up arrow to turn the lights on or the down arrow to turn them off.
This unit can show the depth in feet or meters. When it is in the metric mode, all depth readings, ranges, zooms, and alarm settings are in meters. When it's in the feet mode, all of the above settings are in feet.
To change from feet to meters or
The unit’s display contrast is adjustable to suit different lighting conditions. This will help you see the screen from different angles, or at various times of the day.
To adjust the contrast, press the menu key until the DARK/LIGHT menu appears. To decrease it, press the down arrow key. Press the up arrow key to increase the contrast. The bar graph in the Dark/Light menu box shows a graph of the contrast. The screen will also show the effects of the change. If you