? Connect the alarm input according to the device connection and the instructions.
? Connect the related alarm output relay on the DVR to associated alarm device. Example: lights, beeper, etc.
? Program the associated information in the menu. See details at Menu>System setting>Alarm setting
4. Pan-tilt control operation? Confirm the proper connection of the pan-tilt-zoom and Communication Protocol. Set the Camera address.
? Confirm the proper wiring connection between the PTZ and DVR’s 15-pin port’s A & B lines.
? Set up the programming. See details at Menu>System setting>Pantilt Control
? Select full screen call-up of associated P/T/Z Camera.
? Press “Fn” on the front panel to select
? Use direction arrow keys to move and control the selections on the screen
5. Network connection operation ? Confirm correct network connections between DVR and computer
? Set the IP address, subnet mask and gateway of the computer and DVR separately. If there is no router in the
network, only the IP address is needed. If there are routers in the network, please enter the related gateway
and subnet mask.
? Ping ***.***.***.*** the IP address of the DVR to check the link of the network. A successful reply shall
look like (TTL value less than 64 ms is normal):
Reply from bytes=32 time=31ms TTL=57
? Open IE browser and input the IP address of the DVR
? For Network operation see details at Chapter 4