Only on channels
When recording, you use the first two channels for your sound sources: vocal mics, drum mics, keyboard/ synth outputs, guitar effects outputs, that sort of thing. From there, the channels manipulate the sound, but are not assigned to the output section. Instead, they’re patched from the channel’s DIRECT OUT [5] jacks to any of your 8 multitrack inputs. This allows recording of two tracks at a time. By reconnecting the Direct Outs to the different tape inputs, you can record to all of the 8 tracks.
Once the tracking is completed, the outputs of the multitrack are then patched to channels
[2]inputs on the
But let’s not forget that the
For example, a channel is assigned to SUB OUT 1. SUB OUT 1’s output is patched to multitrack input 1. From there, the multitrack output goes to the mixer’s channel 3 LINE input, as we just discussed.
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Double Busing
How on earth do you get four buses to feed eight tracks? Double busing!
•Bus 1 feeds SUB OUT 1 and SUB OUT 5, which in turn feed tracks 1 and 5
•Bus 2 feeds SUB OUT 2 and SUB OUT 6, which in turn feed tracks 2 and 6
•Bus 3 feeds SUB OUT 3 and SUB OUT 7, which in turn feed tracks 3 and 7
•Bus 4 feeds SUB OUT 4 and SUB OUT 8, which in turn feed tracks 4 and 8
Patch the 8 SUB OUTs to the inputs of the
The advantages: You can assign any channel to any track, without repatching. You can assign multiple channels to one track and control the overall level of that subgroup. You can’t bounce tracks without this feature.
By returning the outputs of the effects processors to 13/14 (EFX A) and 15/16 (EFX B), you can choose to record or Monitor with effects.
Perhaps the best recording method is a combination of both approaches: Use the SUB OUTS to feed mul- tichannel submixes (like a drum kit) to some of the tracks, and the DIRECT OUT jacks to feed
The point is that you never listen directly to the source channels. You listen to the monitor channels
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