4.Write the RA number plainly on the outside of the shipping carton in BIG print (those huge stinky sign markers work well for this).

5.Ship the product in its original shipping carton, freight prepaid to:

Mackie Designs

20205 144th Avenue N.E.

Woodinville, WA 98072



We love to hear what folks have created using our mixers. If you use your LM-3204 to track or mix (or track and mix) a CD or cassette that is commercially released, we’ll trade you a copy for a genuine Mackie T-shirt.

If you send us some notes as to when and where and how the production was accom- plished, a picture of your cassette or CD, a short caption will probably end up in our monthly newsletter.

Also Greg Mackie listens to most of ’em. By “commercially released,” we mean “offered for sale,” even if it’s just being sold

in your local area, during band breaks at clubs or via mail order.

No hand-lettered dubs, please. Save those for our infrequent Mixed on a Mackie contests. To get your genuine 100% cotton, Made in USA, Mackie celebrity T-shirt, send your cas-

sette or CD to:

Mackie Designs


attn: Communications Department

20205 144th Ave. NE

Woodinville, WA 98072

Make sure to specify L, XL or XXL size. If you prefer a small or medium size, just

request a Large and run it through a hot dryer several times.

Allow several weeks for delivery. We’re always busier than a carrion fly at a Rottweiler convention.

Bouquets and brickbats

This manual was primarily written by Dave Matthew, with additional scribbles by Ron Koliha. It was viciously scribbled up with red pens by the Mackie Technical Support Department and by Manufacturing Engineering Honcho, Jeff Gilbert. Valiant attempts at proofreading by Linn Compton. Composed on souped-up Mac™s in PageMaker™ 5.0 by the galley slaves in the Mackie Digital Mosh Pit.

As is invariably the case, there are mis-

takes and fuzzy parts that need correction.


Feel free to write us with your comments and


criticisms. We do respond to outside input


— except for the occasional priggish letters


that take us to task for our lighthearted writ-


ing style. Since comments run 100-to-1 FOR


our non-stuffy style, we tend to ignore com-


ments about how smart-alecky we are and


secretly hope that the writers are condemned


to a lifetime of reading other companies’ often


dry or incomprehensible manuals.


©1994, Mackie Designs, All Rights Reserved.


Printed in the USA.