The M•2600 is a high-power amplifier, and special consideration to ventilation cannot be ignored:

The amplifier must only be installed in a rack. It requires three rack space units (3 U = 5.2"). It also requires 16.7" depth inside the rack, including the rear supports.

There must be a minimum of 1 empty rack space (1-3/4”, 35mm) above and below.

The rear of the rack should be unob- structed and placed no closer than 10” (254mm) from walls or other large obstructions or roadies.

Air is pulled into the amplifier from the front, so there should be no obstruction within 24” (610mm) of the rack’s front.

Hot air from the main heatsink is exhausted from the ventilation holes on each side of the amplifier. A spacing of 2” (51mm) or greater between the sides of the amplifier and the sides of the rack is recommended. This spacing is com- mon in most racks designed for perma- nent installation, and in most shock mounted road cases.

We recommend a shock mounted road case for extensive touring with this

amplifier, for thermal as well as me-


Be sure the M•2600 is plugged into an outlet that is able to supply the correct voltage specified for your model. If the voltage should drop below 97% of the line voltage, the M•2600 will no longer be able to supply rated power. (It will continue to operate down to 63% of the rated voltage, but won’t reach full power.)

Under typical conditions, reproducing music where musical peaks are just below clipping, the M•2600 draws the following average currents:

Amplifier Loading

Average current

2per side or 4bridged


4per side or 8bridged


8per side or 16bridged


(Based on use of amplifier on 120 VAC line)

When heavily loaded, the

M•2600 can pull a consid-

erable amount of current

from the AC power line.

Because of the high current demand, the power

cord of the USA model is terminated into a 20A plug (NEMA 5-20P). A similar 20A rated receptacle is required to power the amplifier (NEMA 5-20R).

The following table shows how many amplifiers can be plugged into the same 20 or 30 amp service. This is for typical conditions, reproducing rock music where musical peaks are just below clipping.


NEMA 5-20P

(Plug supplied with 120 VAC models)


NEMA 5-20R

(120 VAC, 20Amp


chanical considerations.

When designing your rack, put the heavier items at the bottom and the lighter items toward the top.

Secure the front panel of the amplifier to the front of the rack using eight screws with soft washers to prevent scratching the panel.

In addition, because of the weight of the ampli- fier, you must secure the rear support brackets of the amplifier to the back of the rack. You could use a support rail or shelf across the back of the rack, or angle brackets attached between the rear support brackets and the rear rails of the rack. This is recommended for all components mounted in a rack that is going to be moved frequently.

In the unlikely event of the amplifier over- heating, you might consider leaving 2 rack spaces between amplifiers, or using extra cooling fans in the rack.

Amplifier Loading

Max. # amps

Max. # amps

(120 V model)

on 20A service

on 30A service

2per side or 4bridged



4per side or 8bridged



8per side or 16bridged






(*May cause nuisance tripping of breakers under very high output / heavy loading condi- tions. This table refers to 120V AC line. Other models are equipped with a power cord and plug appropriate for the local voltage).

NEVER bypass the plug’s ground pin. This is dangerous !