If the see-through blade guard becomes dirty, or sawdust
adheres to it in such a way that the blade is no longer easily
visible, unplug the saw and clean the guard carefully with a
damp cloth. Do not use solvents or any petroleum-based
cleaners on the plastic guard.
If the blade guard is especially dirty and vision through the
guard is impaired, use the supplied socket wrench to loosen
the hex bolt holding the center cover. Loosen the hex bolt by
turning it counterclockwise and raise the blade guard and
center cover. With the blade guard so positioned, cleaning
can be more completely and efficiently accomplished. When
cleaning is complete, reverse procedure above and secure
bolt. Do not remove spring holding blade guard. If guard
becomes discolored through age or UV light exposure, con-
tact a Makita service center for a new guard. DO NOT
Kerf boardThis tool is provided with the kerf board in the turn base to
minimize tearing on the exit side of a cut. If the kerf groove
has not yet been cut in the kerf board by the factory, you
should cut the groove before actually using the tool to cut a
workpiece. Switch on the tool and lower the blade gently to
cut a groove in the kerf board.
Maintaining maximum cutting capacityThis tool is factory adjusted to provide the maximum cutting
capacity for a 255 mm (10”) saw blade.
When installing a new blade, always check the lower limit
position of the blade and if necessary, adjust it as follows:
First, unplug the tool. Lower the handle completely. Use the
socket wrench to turn the adjusting bolt until the periphery of
the blade extends slightly below the top surface of the turn
base at the point where the front face of the guide fence
meets the top surface of the turn base.
1. Blade guard
1. Kerf board
2. Turn base
1. Socket wrench
2. Adjusting bolt